A quick message to the small farmer from every American politician ever: go fuck yourself right in your too-broke-to-make-massive-campaign-contributions ass.
I'm paraphrasing, obviously. But did you every wonder why a pound of brussels sprouts grown 20 miles from your house costs $4, while a pound of Delicious Industrial Meat Product (c) produced in Kansas with corn grown in Iowa from McD's costs $2? Probably not because vegetables are incredibly energy intensive to produce relative to chicken nuggets.* Probably because corn subsidies reduce the cost of feeding livestock and make meat cheap, and tax breaks for coal and oil companies make it even cheaper, because you can ship and mass produce the corn and animal pieces from big, centralized farms and slaughterhouses.
You can try to get some of your money back by eating as much fast food as possible. Or you can refuse to get screwed and eat shit at the same time. Unless you don't make enough money to shop at the farmer's market with the NPR crowd, or you live in a densely populated urban area with a low median income where there aren't any grocery stores. Because then the message to small farmers is for you, too.
*Calling me a hippie in the comments will not be tolerated. I run this blog dammit.**
**Just kidding. Obviously I will rely on karma/The Universe/Our Mother Earth to smite you.